Types of Customer Relationship Management Systems


According to the type of tasks to be solved all customer relationship management systems are divided into three groups. Let’s consider the features of each of them.

Categories of CRM-systems

Operational CRM

CRM of this type allow to automate saving and access to the information on clients, deals, tasks, events, contacts etc. This level has to do with direct interaction with customers. Because of this operational CRM find the greatest application among the performers – sales managers, service employees, call-center operators, etc.

Analytical CRM

CRM of this group, as the name implies, provide automation of customer data analysis. Capabilities of such systems allow you to evaluate the effectiveness of sales in various aspects of the ongoing marketing campaign: by products, regions, categories of consumers, etc. In-depth analysis helps to develop effective strategies at all stages of the relationship with customers, namely – marketing, sales, service.

Analytical CRM is used mainly in the field of strategic management.

Collaborative CRM

Such CRM is designed to automate contacts between the company and its customers by integrating used communication channels: telephone (incoming and outgoing calls the call center, SMS-notifications), the Internet (e-mail, corporate website), personal meetings (contact scheduling system).

Collaborative CRM as well as operational CRM are in demand by employees interacting with clients directly.